Η μορφή υπογλώσσιων σταγόνων ειναι η πιο αποτελεσματική οδός χορήγησης,
γιατί η απορρόφηση γίνεται μέσω του βλεννογόνου του στόματος.
Cannabis is a herb that has remained popular among other medics since time immemorial.
It contains chemicals beneficial for the entire body including blood,muscles,bones and also skin.
CBD is predominantly used in the preparation of medicines that treat epilepsy, rheumatic and athritic deseases.
Research on the full effects of CBD on the body is ongoing.
CBN or cannabinol is used for anti-spasmodic and anti-epileptic effects.
It also has a sedative effect the mind.
THCA is similar to THC but is most useful in reducing inflammation and reducing neurological conditions associated with Parkinson or ALS.
CBG has been linked to the reduction anxiety and other psychological issues such as OCD, PTSD or depression.
Cannabis can help control violent mood swings in people with autism.
Some people regard cannabis as a natural remedy for sleeping problems such as insomnia and sleep apnea.
However,this is not advisable to young ones who face sleeping difficulties.
Cannabis can regulate eye pressure helping to prevent and treat glaucoma.
Cannabis can also be used in cooking. Right from curries to biscuits and cakes, it is possible to incorporate canna-oil and cana-butter and enhance health benefits.
Cooking with cannabis can have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-aging power.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals such as:
Vitamin K, Vitam C, Iron, Calcium, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and essential oils.
CBD Honey
CBD Chocolate
CBD Butter
All complex animals - including humans - possess an endocannabinoid system capable of producing and processing cannabinoids.
CBD can alleviate athritis pain in your pet.
Consult your veterinarian.
Athritis in dogs
4 reasons to use hemp clothes:
Protects your skin by naturally
filtering UV lights.
4 reasons to use hemp clothes:
Prevents/inhibits bacterial growth and
allowes the skin to breath excellently.
4 reasons to use hemp clothes:
Has four times the strengh
of cotton.
4 reasons to use hemp clothes:
Retains color better than any
other fabric.
The earliest world record of cannabis use was found around 4.000 BC in a pharmacy book for anesthetic surgery.
Around 2000BC to 1400BC, cannabis entered Sythia (now known as Moldova, Ukraine and Eastern Russia).
With the Anglo-Saxon invasion, cannabis entered Britain through Germany possibly in the 5th Century AD.
Seeds of the plant have been found in Viking ships dating back to the mid-9th Century AD From the Middle East. It was likely carried into Africa, following the expansion of Islam.
People did not begin using the plant to avail its mind-altering effects for a long time since its discovery.
It was mainly used to prepare medicines that helped in combating many illnesses and delaying their occurences.
From the 1840’s up to the 1920’s, cannabis was widely prescribed as a painkiller and to help with upper respiratory ailments and depression.
Λάδι Κάνναβης
Μέλι Κάνναβης
Σοκολάτα Κάνναβης
Βούτυρο Κάνναβης
Βοηθάει στην αντιμετώπιση:
Με την αγγλοσαξονική εισβολή, η κάνναβη εισήλθε στη Βρετανία μέσω της Γερμανίας πιθανώς τον 5ο αιώνα μ.Χ.
cbd forest
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